Liverpool Annual Report 2016
Annual Report 2016


All of our activities, which are focused on satisfying our clients, are carried out within a work environment that promotes the development of our personnel, favoring the quality of life, the focus on values and the code of ethics.

We have established initiatives focused on aligning the entire organization towards one common goal –customer service. Various portals and platforms facilitate communication, transparent management of training, performance and learning, all in favor of strengthening and developing the knowledge that unites our associates.

This year, Liverpool University (UVL) celebrates fifteen years of showing our sound commitment to education and growth; to date, the University has offered more than 650 programs, with more than 90,000 participants. Aware of the importance of leadership in reaching objectives and in the foundation of our culture, during 2016, a total of 715 executives attended the Leadership Workshop, more than 2,600 people have attended this Workshop since its beginning. The initiative, Experto 21 (Expert 21) was launched in May, its objective being to form collaborators in their respective areas of responsibility, in 21 days of training. In view of the importance of the contents for the sales areas, more than 27,000 associates have attended these courses.

The coherence of our actions is fundamental to our institutional values; with this in mind, the Sistema de Información Confidencial (SIC) (Confidential Information System (Hotline) was reinforced during 2016, with the addition of an evaluation and follow-up committee.

The year 2016 was highlighted by the redefinition of the development and social responsibility programs. We carried out campaigns focused on preserving and improving our associates’ well-being, and we initiated the community school-adoption program.

27,000 associates
attended the initiative Experto 21 (Expert 21)

We have established initiatives focused on aligning the entire organization towards one common goal – customer service.

This year, Liverpool University (UVL) celebrates 15 years of showing our sound commitment to education and growth.